Free worksheets bundle


All the free worksheets in one fast download.

Inside, you will find:

  1. The Maximizing happiness -worksheet. Here you will learn about the five core emotions you need to feel at home to feel truly happy.
  2. A biophilic home – worksheet. This worksheet gives you a list of items you need to watch out for when looking for a new home that will help you identify an environment most supportive of your well-being.
  3. Minimalist vs Maximalist Interior design – teaches you how to break down your environment to create the aesthetic that suits you best.
  4. A calm home worksheet – helps you identify an area in your home where you can train your mind to feel relaxed.
  5. Create a memorable home experiences worksheet – helps you identify the kind of activities you want to have at home and helps you create the setup that would encourage those activities.

Each of these worksheets accompanies one of the following online classes,

A Calm Home: Interior Design for More Well-being. Find it on Skillshare or Udemy.

Maximizing Happiness at Home: Five Emotions to Consider in Home Design. Find it on Skillshare.

Minimalist vs Maximalist Interior Design: Find the Perfect Blend for You. Find it on Skillshare or Udemy. 

Create Memorable Home Experiences: Interior Design for Moments That Matter. Find it on Skillshare or Udemy.

A Biophilic Home: Interior Design For All Your Senses. Find it on Skillshare or Udemy.

